The whole point of this house and this web site, is to detail how we bought and renovated a house using Craigslist and other unconventional/non retail options. I have found that I get disheartened after days and weeks of looking for something and finding that people on Craigslist and at estate sales (garage sales and other miscellaneous ways) sell items for the same price as new. Why wouldn't I buy a new fridge with a warranty vs a refrigerator that is 6 years old and from someone's garage? It's hard to justify.
Today, we went cabinet shopping and rehab store shopping. We went to Cabinets To Go and found some great cabinets. The guy in the store was very friendly. They had several kitchen options on display. Their standard kitchen is dovetailed drawers and has a lot of great features. Price-wise, they end up being comparable with Ikea. I think they are cheaper than Home Depot and Lowes based on what I priced out. We really liked this one cabinet, the guy even gave us a sample door to hold on to and compare colors and quality as we shopped around. He priced out the kitchen and mocked up a design in just a few minutes for us. Now we have that print out to compare and use as we continue to shop around.
Why look at new cabinets when I found that one for $500? Well, the guy emailed me that he had several offers and even an offer above asking price. That's that. Those cabinets are gone. I'm sad (disheartened). Mike is feeling the push to find cabinets because we have essentially 30 days to get the house to a point where we can live in it. A kitchen is a huge part of that.
The reality is, we could get an Oak kitchen for free if we wanted but neither one of us likes the grain. I looked into painting and it's a huge process to paint it to the level where you can't see the grain. I'm picky about the grain.
If you're looking for a Craigslist kitchen and are on a budget, you probably shouldn't be as picky as Mike and I are.
I'll post about the rehab stores in another posting... Happy Kitchen Shopping everyone.
Today, we went cabinet shopping and rehab store shopping. We went to Cabinets To Go and found some great cabinets. The guy in the store was very friendly. They had several kitchen options on display. Their standard kitchen is dovetailed drawers and has a lot of great features. Price-wise, they end up being comparable with Ikea. I think they are cheaper than Home Depot and Lowes based on what I priced out. We really liked this one cabinet, the guy even gave us a sample door to hold on to and compare colors and quality as we shopped around. He priced out the kitchen and mocked up a design in just a few minutes for us. Now we have that print out to compare and use as we continue to shop around.
Why look at new cabinets when I found that one for $500? Well, the guy emailed me that he had several offers and even an offer above asking price. That's that. Those cabinets are gone. I'm sad (disheartened). Mike is feeling the push to find cabinets because we have essentially 30 days to get the house to a point where we can live in it. A kitchen is a huge part of that.
The reality is, we could get an Oak kitchen for free if we wanted but neither one of us likes the grain. I looked into painting and it's a huge process to paint it to the level where you can't see the grain. I'm picky about the grain.
If you're looking for a Craigslist kitchen and are on a budget, you probably shouldn't be as picky as Mike and I are.
I'll post about the rehab stores in another posting... Happy Kitchen Shopping everyone.